3.5.3 Minimum reporting guidelines

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​​​A. Background & Definitions

The purpose of the different Minimum Information (MI) guidelines is to ensure the data generated using the respective method or technique can be easily verified, analyzed and interpreted by the wider scientific community. Ultimately, MI standards should ensure that information generated by using certain methods should be structured and organised in a way that facilitates data sharing, the verification of results and the re-use of data.

B. Guidance & Expectations

The concept of ‘Minimum Information’ standards was first introduced in 2001 by developing and publishing the MIAME (Minimum Information’ about a microarray experiment) guidelines. Here the authors provided detailed guidance on what information, specifications and meta data about an microarray experiment is crucial and important to be reported - so that any data sets generated can be used to their full potential and readers obtain a comprehensive understanding of the published experiment.

C. Resources

An overview of developed MI guidelines is provided by the FAIRsharing.org website (https://fairsharing.org/) with the possibility to search for specific techniques or methods of interest.

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