Using the Planning Tool
A. Background & Definitions
The Planning Tool A) provides guidance for setting-up the quality system, B) gives an overview of information connected with it and C) supports the maintance of the system. The Dashboard within the Planning Tool is the central place to collect relevant information, such as documents established for the quality system, a summary of solutions and dates for the review.
Additionally, it provides the possibility to document the progress of the quality system implementation and has the ability to be expanded with additional NEEDs to match each research unit specific requirements. These NEEDs created by the organisation or by others (i.e. a funder) can be imported into the existing Dashboard, whereas the challenges will be extended, and the priorities automatically adjusted.
Planning Tool: Software tool supporting the research unit in order to implement the EQIPD QS system in a given institution.
B. Guidance & Expectations
The following steps describe the use of the tool and the import of NEEDs:
1. Setting up the Dashboard with the Wizard
- Open your planning tool and activate "macros"
- The Wizard will start automatically and give guidance for implementation of the first 6 Core Requirements
- All documents within the Wizard should be read and completed before going to the next step
- Additionally, the wizard asks for information on Animal Care and Use (if applicable) and whether a research unit wants to make a formal konwldge-claim
- After completion of the Wizard, the Dashboard is created, with
- the 6 already implemented Core Requirements, displayed in green
- the 12 additional Core Requirements
- if applicable, 6 EQIPD Requirements for informing a formal knowledge claim
2. Adding NEEDs with the button "IMPORT NEED"
- Click button and a new window will open
- Click on the folder-icon and search for the NEED to be imported
- Click "OK" (the path of the file will be displayed)
- Click on arrow to the right ("Next")
- Confirm import to finalize the process, NEED will be integrated into Dashboard
3. Working on the Dashboard
- After the Dashboard is established, each CHALLENGE should be addressed according to the needs, resources and capabilities of the research unit
- The solutions can be documented in column "D"
- The additional columns "E" to "I" of the Dashboard can be used to document additional information and the progress of implementation and follow-up actions
C. Resources
Information on the calculation of the priority ranking
back to Toolbox
Next item: Creating NEEDs